Clear Aligner Therapy

Although a great smile can improve your appearance and confidence, we know it can do so much more for you!

We use clear aligner therapy as part of the comprehensive prosthodontic treatment plan to help in delivering a more predictable outcome. We still utilize the services of orthodontic specialists in more advanced cases of tooth movement.

Think of your teeth as acting like gears- they work better when they’re aligned together. This is what we like to call an ‘ideal occlusion’. When your teeth don’t align, it’s called a ‘malocclusion’ or ‘bad bite’. Having a malocclusion can make it increasingly difficult to chew, wears down your enamel, accelerates tooth decay, and more serious long-term issues.

This means that straightening your teeth has both aesthetic and physical benefits!

Dr Christian Vorster - Prosthodontist | Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a great alternative to braces. They are custom made and changed every 1-3 weeks to suit the needs of each individual.

How would you go about getting your teeth straightened?

The traditional route involves metal wire braces, which work great but also have their downfalls. They cannot be removed before the treatment is completed, you are prohibited from eating certain foods, and they do not have a subtle appearance.

Fortunately, there is another option - Clear Aligners!

These custom molded trays are the favored alternative to braces because of their practically invisible appearance. Every 1-3 weeks you’ll get a new aligner which moves you a step closer to your desired goal! They also move teeth the same way braces do, by exerting constant pressure on the teeth.

Dr Christian Vorster - Prosthodontist | Clear Aligners

How do they work?

The sustained pressure triggers your body to elicit ‘osteoclasts’ which break down the bone in your jaw. After two days of consistent light pressure, your teeth should begin to move. More cells known as ‘osteoblasts’ emerge and build new bone to fill in the empty spaces. If pressure on the tooth is relieved for an extended period of time, the rebuilt bone begins to harden.

How long do I need to keep my aligners in for?

It’s important to keep your aligners in for a certain amount of time as once the processes are stopped the cellular activity slows down- resulting in prolonged treatment. We strongly recommend wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is especially important when using a new set.

Of course, we cannot guarantee a perfect result for any treatment. Book an appointment with us to discuss risks and potential outcomes before starting your treatment. Should you experience any problems throughout the treatment, you are welcome to contact us!

Keeping in touch with us and consistently wearing your aligners increases your chances of success!

Request Appointment

If you need a consultation or would like to make an appointment,
please use the form below or contact us on:
021 851 8123